Day 38 Salcombe to Torcross 02.06.2011

A platinum star day today!

I have just one piece of advice for all you blogees! If at all possible close down your computers, choose a perfect summer day (tomorrow looks like it will fit the bill nicely), choose a couple of chums who’s company you enjoy, pack a scrummy picnic, put on your boots and walk from East Portlemouth to Torcross!

You’ll have the best day ever I promise! I know the dawn to dusk sunshine has helped but it has been an outstanding day! Go on – give it a go!

I’ve run out of expletives and the photos don’t do it justice but here goes!

We had to leave Ian’s car ready for him to zoom back to Beckenham tonight so instead of ferrying we drove round to East Portlemouth stocking up with luncheon victuals at Kingsbridge en route. The view from the public loos at East Portlemouth is second to none (please see photo–>)!

We managed to squeeze in another excellent breakfast stop before setting out!

The walk itself was a dream! Stunning views and paths the whole way along a long raised beach and the zenith was climbing up and over the spine of Start Point to see the whole of Start Bay revealed in all its magnificent glory! Heaven!

We lunched at Lannacombe sands, one of the many idyllic little beaches and soaked our feet in the water! Mmmmm!

On over into Start Bay and a gentle path leading through Hallsands (with its destroyed lower village), Beesands and Torcross.

Only complaint of the day is that there was nowhere to buy a cup of tea (where are the Trout sisters of Hallsands when you need them?) until we got to Beesands where the Cricket Inn did us proud!

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As I blog we await the return of Mrs Smith and Topsy who will take us back to Ians car before we find a camp site for the night.

Ian leaves us today after spending four days and walking 50 miles with us! What a splendid chap indeed and such good company!

A question for Alex Smith:  Did you camp at Maelborough House near East Prawle all those years ago?

And to Henry Piper – do they still serve lava bread in the Pig’s Knees?

If anyone has lost a camera please contact me on

Tomorrow’s destination is Dartmouth.

Lessons learnt today:

1. Always expect the unexpected!

2. Every day should start with breakfast in the sun by the sea!

3. Don’t be camera shy!

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1 Response to Day 38 Salcombe to Torcross 02.06.2011

  1. Old Father Christmas says:

    Ahh !! the pigs Knees, Lava Bread and a round of the ancient and mysterious game of STONES, !! accompanied by Haggis and Cucumber crisps and a pint or two of Draught Champagne and finally staggering back to the Tent to the sounds of the mad landlord singing his pub emptying lament accompanied by piano and banjo at the same time. Those were the days, my friend,we thought they’d never end !! we really thought we could change the world !! what happened to 60s optimism !!

    Keep it up Russ old friend, your doing well I,m ever so proud of my old Ravensbournean Mate, We will have a Pint of Brannoc For “the old times” when you hit Sidmouth.

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