Day 39 Torcross to Dartmouth 03.06.2011

Another glorious day – how lucky are we?

The day kicked off with me struggling to charge the phone again so you’ll have to be patient if the photos don’t arrive for a while! During my spell in the washing up room beside my charging phone I met a family of 4 lovely boys who were doing the whole family’s dishes without fighting or arguing or anything!

I was most impressed and it turns out they are from Yettington and all play rugby at Sidmouth – small world! While all this was or wasn’t happening the Smith family had the best kite flying session of their lives! The camp site is in a beautiful field with sea views somewhere north of Slapton. It is so good we have returned again tonight!

Walking today were me, Fizzy, Russell and Olivia.

We set out from Torcross (scene of the famous and disastrous Operation Tiger in World War 2) in fine form and walked all along behind Slapton Ley adjacent to the road.

All very pretty!

We then ascended to the giddy heights of Strete where some road walking was necessary but fortunately it wasn’t too busy!

Olivia was a star being our youngest walker yet. She walked up 1 in 3 hills and plunged fearlessly down the valley sides – brilliant!

We met Gill for lunch at Stoke Fleming and simply had to have a drink at the Green Dragon which apparently is the site of many happy memories for the Smiffy’s old chums!

Here too we met a group of delightful Dutch women (please see photo) who come over for one week a year to walk a stetch of the SW Coastpath. Good Girls!

Olivia joined Gill for the afternoon in Dartmouth while Russell, Fizzy and I finished the remainder of the walk in beautiful summer sunshine culminating in tea for two on the quayside! We loitered with intent outside the Royal Castle Hotel hoping for an invitation in for the night but alas it was not to be so it’s Sea View Camp Site toilet, shower and hook up for us again which is just grand!

A big thank you to a very kind family who have charged the old Blackberry for me in their van which meant I haven’t had to loiter in the washing up block all evening! Thanks as well for their kind donation to CHSW!

Martin, Anne and another Russell (of the Smith family) have just turned up with their fish and chips to join us for tomorrow’s escapade so we may be quite a party! Bring on the Smith Hayman Carnival yet again!

PS How we are all missing Ian’s telescope while walking!

Happy birthday Ben Smith!

Lessons learnt today:

1. Looking for a needle in a haystack is like looking for a Blackberry in a ten acre camping field and just sometimes it’s possible to find one!

2. Humour is not the most important thing in life but it is very important! (An overheard conversation between a passing father and son) – I disagree!

3. The snoring from my tent over the last five weeks has not been me but Fizzy! It’s official – Olivia said so!

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2 Responses to Day 39 Torcross to Dartmouth 03.06.2011

  1. Frances Le Puill says:

    I miss Fizzy, roll on Tuesday xxxx

  2. Alice says:

    Don’t you miss your mum too Fran?? The picture of Oliva and Russ walking in a field is beautiful 🙂 Still loving the blog xxxx

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