Day 40 Dartmouth to Brixham 04.06.2011

A sociable, arduous and interesting day!

Dawn at the campsite saw an early start and breakfast and packed lunches were prepared with military precision!

We all piled into Topsy for an early crossing of the Dart for team rallying in Kingswear.

Well Topsy was loaded to the gunwhales and six of us piled in as well.

As we boarded the ferry Gill shouted to us to pull the curtains and keep quiet for fear of being charged for extra passengers!

Thus we entered into the spirit of the occasion and disguised ourselves to hide our refugee status! We heard an almighty graunch as we drove on and poor Russell was having kittens at the thought of paying for a new under carriage for Topsy just to save a few pounds on fares!

Gill was oblivious to all this and carried on regardless! Just before disembarking Russ made us all leap out the back (still wearing tea towels and shades) to lighten the load!

We all ran to avoid paying more but as it turned out there would have been no further charge anyway!

Let’s hope Topsy is OK!

We later met the van that was parked behind us and he said he couldn’t believe how many of us were inside (mind you his boot was full of fancy chickens and jackdaws which all seemed a bit dodgy too!).

Walking today were me, Fizzy, Russell, Olivia, Martin, Russell Jnr, Leigh and Charlie Dean.

We naturally started the day with coffee at the Dart Hotel as all civilised ramblers should!

The day was full of superb cliff top scenery, tough going and often quite lonely (obviously not for us!).

In the west near the Dart were substantial wooded areas but further along the cliffs became higher and more open.

This made for a dramatic, steeply undulating landscape ending at the sea in steep cliffs.

We particularly enjoyed the old battery buildings at Froward Point with it’s stunning views and our visit to the coast watch station there!

We also enjoyed meeting a wild life expert who had his telescope (not Ian’s) trained on a peregrine falcon’s nest (or so he said!), but I took umbridge as he was not at all interested in my video of Riley the owl!

As we approached Berry Head we were delighted to see the lovelies from Yatton approaching (Sarah, Kathleen and Ellie, Tim’s daughter). They led the way to the car park and to the welcoming sight of Gill, Anne and Tim and cool thirst quenching water but alas no tea!

Russ, Russ, Leigh, I and the dogs continued along the path and dropped down into Brixham and tea at last!

This was a hot and rather tough day and a special mention must go to Olivia who completed the lot without one little moan or groan!

Also well done to Martin who managed it all too despite third degree blisters on both feet (he is a podiatrist)!

Thank you, Tim for arranging a wonderful jazz band reception in Brixham and also for sorting out a free camp in Galmpton Touring Park which is superb and has stunning views all over the Dart!

Must close now to check Fizzy for ticks!

Tomorrow’s destination is Babbacombe and we look forward to seeing yet more buddies!

PS Brixham fireworks have just started and Fizzy is a quivering wreck beside me! Poor girl!

Lessons learnt today:

1. Never trust a podiatrist with blisters!

2. Always carry more water than you think you’ll need!

3. Never trust a man with a telescope!

PPS 11 pm and I have a slow puncture in my camping mat! I feel extra loud snoring will be necessary! Goodnight, Blogees! xxx

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2 Responses to Day 40 Dartmouth to Brixham 04.06.2011

  1. Ange says:

    Well done Olivia – Granny and Grandad must be well proud of their little trooper! Loob – do you reckon if you spat on the lens and gave it a wipe on yer sleeve, the old blueberry would take photos without the fog? …or are you going for the soft focus so we can’t see your wrinkles?!

  2. Debbie Smith says:

    Well done Olivia !! She is safely home and now well rested. She said that she really enjoyed her time walking with Grandad and the troops. See you on Tuesday xx

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