Day 41 Brixham to Babbacombe 05.06.2011

In the team today were me, Fizzy, Russell, Gill, Leigh and Brenda.

This was mostly an urban section passing along the shoreline of the English Riviera or Torbay. There was a mixture of grand terraces, open green parkland, amusement parks and elegant white buildings overlooking the sea at Torquay. The book describes this walk as moderate but the final stages were really quite tough going we all thought!

Again my phone had no charge so pictures will have to be added later if possible as Russell had sole use of the Smith phone for the first time ever and he was getting really quite creative! Blogees you have something to look forward to!

We straight away came upon an open day at a battery at Fishcombe Cove which was very interesting and Brenda was left alone for quite a long time with a Winston Churchill look alike! Ask no questions!

On we walked through many delightful little beaches and coves that we never knew existed and coffee called us at Broadsands where we bumped into Helen Kirby and her family who were sussing out a good kite surfing spot! Hope you got lucky Kirbys!

We saw lots of steam trains on the Dart Valley line and at Goodrington we lunched and Gill left us to return to Brixham to collect Topsy. Poor Russell was attacked by a seagull and still bears the scars!

After dawdling for most of the morning we decided to get a wiggle so we could complete the section in daylight! Frankly there has been far too much giggling and knicker wetting going on today for seasoned walkers like Russell and myself but it has been great fun!

We walked on through Torquay past the living coast centre (where we saw penguins!) and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down to Babbacombe. The highllight of our day was watching a pod of dolphins off Thatcher Rock as they played their way across the bay! Delightful!

We are tonight being hosted by Roger and Jane in Teignmouth and have had a fantastic meal and glass or two of wine and now Leigh, Brenda, Fizzy and I are now all enjoying a girly sleepover (more giggling!). Thanks so much Roger and Jane!

A lasagne, a pod of dolphins, a packet of penguins and an orgy of shags! Another perfect day!

Tomorrow’s destination is Exmouth – hooray back in East Devon home of my heart!

Lessons learnt today:

1. Don’t go into hospital if you don’t want your children to have your dog put to sleep!

2. Careless talk costs lives!

3. Whatever your size there somewhere exists the perfect lavatory!

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1 Response to Day 41 Brixham to Babbacombe 05.06.2011

  1. Prince of Orange says:

    For shame, Fizzy won’t sleep a wink after reading this! Can you actually take a dolphin on a coastal walk, if so, two for Sidmouth please?

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