Day 42 Babbacombe to Exmouth 06.06.2011

After a good night’s sleep and scrummy breakfast at Roger and Jane’s, Gill dropped me, Fizzy, Russell, Leigh and Brenda back at Babbacombe to start our day’s walk. After yesterday we knew the first part was going to be tough!

Today primarily comprised of two fairly large seaside towns (Paignton and Teignmouth), flanked by a coastline of high red cliffs at one end and marshes and a sand bar at the other.

Running through it, often next to the coast path, is possibly the most scenic part of Brunel’s GWR railway line, the embankment of which forms the sea wall for much of this stretch and at the end a dull two and a half mile road walk to the ferry at Starcross.

The 4.10 Starcross ferry was our aim for the day and boy did we go for it! Brenda’s little legs were power houses and we completed the walk to Shaldon in less than the advised time – a first for our trip!

From here onwards was Fizzy’s idea of the day from hell! Two ferry crossings, two golf courses and eight miles of continuous walking by a busy railway! Poor dog! She bore it well and with much reassurance she seemed to do quite well and even walked onto the ferries without having to be man handled! Still no more ferries or railways only golf courses and firing ranges!

We had a scrumptious lunch at The Blue Hut in Teignmouth where John (and Liz) laid on prawn and crab sarnies with lots of tea and coffee all for a very reasonable price and even said it was OK for Russ to get a bacon butty from another stall which he enjoyed! Cheers John!

Here we also met a great couple from Bangor called Ken and Lynn who were suitably on our barmy wavelength and informed us that beans on toast are commonly known as skinheads on a raft which we did not know but then we are not common people! We hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday, Ken and Lynn!

Suitably fortified we went for it again and just in the knickers of time managed to catch the Starcross ferry at 4.10. Impressive we thought if a little knackering!

Again the weather favoured us and sunshine all the way meant that colours were stunning and views breath taking! We really were a privileged party today!

There was much wittering the whole day mainly about Brigitte Bardot and what she is up to now if she is still alive so Russell has volunteered to go to the south of France to find her and to get Fizzy rehomed with her so she will suffer no more coastal path abuse!

We arrived safely back in East Devon absolutely shattered and the wonderous Cathy Keast came to pick us all up and deposit us at our respective homes in Sidmouth. So another comfy bed tonight after hot baths and brufen! Thank you Cathy!

For those concerned amongst you a little light hoovering was not necessary when I returned home after all!

Tomorrow’s destination is Sidmouth! Do come down to the Sailing Club at 7 pm if you’d like to say hello – we’d love to see you!

Lessons learnt today:

1. You can always change the windows but you can’t change the position!

2. Never trust a man with a camouflaged telescope!

3. Not all Welsh people have a Barry accent!

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1 Response to Day 42 Babbacombe to Exmouth 06.06.2011

  1. Prince of Orange says:

    I think Teignmouth need a new signwriter, doesn’t look as good as ‘Hollywood’ but does have the advantage of having you on it briefly, which is probably a queue for your next walk! Need someone to fix the weather for your walk into Sidmouth though, think my feathers will get all damp.

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