Day 43 Exmouth to Sidmouth 07.06.2011

A tiring and emotional day all round! Walking today were me, Fizzy, Russell, Leigh, Charlie, Brenda and Pauline Keast.

It felt like a normal old dog walking day as it was a stretch of path that we all walk regularly so we didn’t even need the book! Professionals!

We left Exmouth bright and early and strode manfully along the prom to the start of the Jurassic Coast at Orcombe Point. On and over the ruddy red cliffs of East Devon, through Sandy Bay Caravan Park where the problems started! The boys were firing on Straight Point Range so Fizzy flipped again and had to go on her lead!

Great for me because she pulled me up the hill and then I lent her to Pat, for a small fee, and she pulled her up the final hill before we dropped down into Budleigh Salterton!

On an open grassy area we met the lovely Lilah Bowden who was only about 20 and walking the coast path in reverse and on her own and wild camping! What a girl! Turned out she didn’t even have the Coast Path book so Leigh turned all maternal and gave her her copy and is now worrying about her as all mothers would!

In Budleigh we visited Daniel K Neaves where Frances works and caused a small stir! We waited for Pauline to join us here from the 157 bus and wandered down to the prom for lunch and a cup of tea and a lovely pee in Budleigh’s refurbished toilets!

On and over to Sidmouth past wonderous poppy fields and sweeping grassy meadows to the classic view of Sidmouth from High Peak! Home for a fleeting visit.

A quick trip to Exmouth to collect the car and do a little light Tesco shopping with Leigh.

At 7pm Russell, Fizzy and I made our official entry into our home town and what a welcome! Friends and family were there in droves and it was very moving and emotional (though they were really only there for free Pimms!).

We received two huge cheques from the Lions and Sidmouth Steppers and then relaxed and enjoyed the evening!

Thanks so much to Leigh, Andrew and Brenda for all your hard work! You’re real diamonds (well cubic zirconia anyway!).

Tomorrow’s destination is Seaton (though we’ll being staying in Axmouth).

Lessons learnt today:

1. It’s a vicious rumour that  boys can’t clean toilets!

2. East or West, home is best!

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