Day 46 Seatown to Abbotsbury 10.06.2011

Yet another lovely day! A beautiful sunny start to the day and an early kick off for the walk. Walking today were me, Fizzy, Russell, Alex, Mark, Gill, Adele and Yasmin.

The first part of the day was fantastic with rolling hills and pastures to high and sheer cliffs. The sun shone and all were happy and full of joie de vivre! After 3 miles West Bay lured us to the harbour side cafes with the smell of coffee and perfectly cooked toast! Heaven for me!

We left Gill here and hastened on over more high cliffs and undulating hills, past a golf course (poor Fizzy!). We came across 3 people walking in the other direction (Roger, Marion and Pete) who are big in the SWCP department and who measure and record all the data about distances and altitude etc – what an honour!

Our biggest delight of the day was to forge the river at Freshwater! We spent many minutes trying to puzzle out the best course of action until it dawned on us that we could just wade through! Idiots! It was very clayie (I’m sure that’s not a real word) on the other side so Mark had to cleanse our feet with wet wipes. Indeed a biblical scene!

On and over to Burton Bradstock where Gill was waiting and we dined in spectacular fashion on sarnies, lemon drizzle cake and M and S scones. Mmmmm! After a minor snoozette Gill took Mark back to his car while the remainder of us carried on.

The path flattened out as we progressed along Chesil Beach (wonderful sea kale growing here!) and wasn’t nearly as arduous as we anticipated! Suddenly around the corner appeared Adele and Yasmin Salter from Sidmouth who had come to meet us and walk into Abbotsbury with us which was fantastic!

We had a quick cup of tea at the Swannery before motoring to Wyke Regis to find our campsite which will probably be home for the next 3 nights. We found a smashing little pub called the Ferrybridge at the end of the causeway and we warmed up in front of a lovely log fire (the weather and the temperature had deteriorated somewhat!) and were later joined by Jodie (Russ and Gill’s daughter) and her boyfriend, James who will be walking with us tomorrow!

Our destination tomorrow is Ferrybridge though we may continue on into Weymouth depending on weather and tiredness levels!

PS Nice car, Yasmin!

Lessons learnt today:

1. Real ale causes piles!

2. Always carry your trunks in your rucker in case you feel the urge!

3. Every day’s a school day.

4. Life’s not much fun when your bag bursts!

5. You can lead a dalai lama to water but you can’t make him prophesize!

6. Always take a 21 year old away with you to aid your memory!

7. You never know when you’ll need an elastic band!

8. When picnicking you need a k!

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