Day 49 Ferrybridge to Lulworth 13.06.2011

Who would have thought today would turn out to be so glorious after the horrendous conditions yesterday? A little overcast this morning but as the day grew the fair weather fairies pulled out all the stops and by lunchtime it was a fine summer’s day! Praise the Lord!

As we had already walked as far as Bowleaze Cove the day before yesterday Gill dropped us there to start our walk. We walked around to Bowleaze Cove on the road and through a car boot sale (don’t tell Gill!). We passed the old Riviera Hotel (big art deco building visible from Weymouth) which at last looks like it is being redeveloped.

From here we climbed up and over low grassy topped cliffs towards Osmington Mills passing by the adventure holiday centre where many children we both know have spent happy times! Continuing our walk we went through Ringstead, which was abandoned at sometime for an unknown reason, and is now full of holiday homes. Here we had elevenses and a slice of perfectly formed toast (yes again!).

We then started a long climb towards White Nothe which marks a huge change geologically speaking! While climbing we walked through the tiny hamlet of Holworth where we found the delightful little church of St Catherine by the Sea! A real sweetie so visit if you can!

East of White Nothe there was a rollercoaster of often sheer white cliffs on which we rode with joy and exhilaration! What an uplifting experience! We reckon it was another platinum star day! We met a pair of fellow walkers en route and then settled down to lunch at the best picnic spot of the trip (see picture)!

Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove showed themselves off to perfection in the June sun and we were awestruck!

We were soon grounded by all the visitors enjoying themselves and as Gill walked to meet us I found myself absorbed into a class of 12 year olds from Southampton!

I listened carefully and did not walk in front of Mr Baker or behind Mrs Lewis and my partner in the crocodile was a boy called Matthew who looked rather sun burnt and whose boots were too small! All the kids loved Fizzy (even Matthew who said he was more of a cat person!) and waved me off when we got to Lulworth. They were all a credit to their school and to themselves!

After a cream tea we returned to the caravan to a lovely meal and have been rejoined by Dave and MPP for our final walk tomorrow! It’s a pleasure to have them back on board! Gill has now returned to Sidmouth and left us to it!

Tomorrow’s walk is Worth Matravers to South Haven Point and then ………..home!

Happy birthday to Reggie who would have been 116!

Lessons learnt today:

1. You’re never too old to go back to school.

2. Don’t dawdle around Durdle Door!

3. The Dodfather sends congratulations from the Isle of Harris to Doddy is Goddy and Mrs Doddy on the conception of a diddy Doddy!

4. How many miles is it from Durdle Door to Harris (Kate please answer!)

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1 Response to Day 49 Ferrybridge to Lulworth 13.06.2011

  1. Pete Scott says:

    Pete Scott – The Swan, Sidmouth
    Hello Russ & Liz – Absolutely inspirational. I look forward to buying you both a drink when you get home & hearing about all the really gruelling bits you must have encountered!
    Kind Regards – Pete S

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