Day 50 Worth Matravers to Swanage to South Haven Point to Sidmouth

Our last day! A funny old feeling in the camp today but we made an early start from the caravan in Wyke Regis which has been our haven for the past four days and an absolute god send as we grow wearier, particularly on Sunday!

Team today were me, Fizzy, Russell, Dave and MPP. It was lovely to share the last day with them again as they have been a huge part of this journey and are, as you already know, delightful company!

We eventually arrived at Worth Matravers, after many road diversions around Weymouth, ready for our last walk. Worth Matravers is a beautiful little village and we eyed up the pub for later on! It was a good two miles to walk out to the coast path through farm yards (where Fizzy at last found a holiday romance!) and passed a working quarry to St Aldhelm’s Chapel (800 years old) which dominates the headland.

The sun shone on us again and we realised it was going to be a hot one!

The first stretch supplied wonderful wide views to the west and the path took us along at a high level and an easyish route marked extensively by old quarry workings. Particularly lovely was the prettily named Dancing Ledge where the sea spills up, with every lap of a wave, onto a wide ledge and does indeed look like it’s dancing!

Now we were prepared for naturists at Studland but we were caught by surprise by a nude hiker at this point in the day!

MPP and I were at this point walking at the back and I’m afraid we were so overcome with giggles that I lost my ability to zoom effectively and so my photo of his rear view leaves a lot to be desired!

However MPP’s is a lot better and she promises to let us have it for the blog! Out came yet more witticisms about Dorset Knobs (you think we would have tired of this by now, but no!) and on we trod!

Durlston Point with its lighthouse and glorious views provided yet another perfect lunch spot. We dined whilst watching climbers and families and passers by but boy was it hot! Sustained but flagging we continued on to Swanage past Tilly Whim Caves and Durlston Castle.

I was beginning to feel quite peculiar (“what’s new?”, I hear you say) and started my post lunch chant of “Tea! I need tea!”. My wish was granted and after a quiet sit in the shade and a cup of tea I felt refreshed as I hope the others did too!

Walking along Swanage Prom (opinions on Swanage differed in the group!) we noticed Fizzy had a bit of a limp again but it settled down.

We climbed high over cliffs with splendid views towards the Isle of Wight. We paused for a moment to watch a rescue helicopter winch someone down and then circle around awaiting instructions.

We hope there was a happy outcome to the story!

We strode on to Ballard Point and Old Harry Rocks with stunning views over Poole Harbour to Bournemouth and beyond before dropping down onto Studland Beach.

As the tide was low we decided to walk the whole length of the beach and it was a grand finale to the walk! Families were laughing, playing, eating, crying, arguing and sandcastling as we walked by. The final third of the beach is a nudist beach and we were much amused as the the men paraded their wares and the women remained unobtrusive!

Many of the sun worshippers were in the sand dunes and the men looked like a group of meerkats as they intermittently popped up out of the dunes, hands behind backs, to survey the horizon and then disappeared again!

I walked along with a huge smile on my face but with my clothes on! At this point Russell could resist it no longer! He threw his bag to the ground, stripped off all his clothes, put his rucksack back on again and waded into the sea. He said he didn’t really want to do this (?!!!!) but that he had promised Crosby that he would!

With Russell fully clothed again we rounded the last curve of the beach and spotted the marker at the end of the walk. Dave and MPP tactfully let us walk ahead and we reached our destination with a tear in our eyes and relief in our knees. We’d done it! The others caught up and took the necessary photos to mark the occasion and we all smiled broadly!

But where was our welcoming party? Well Haymans never quite get it right and Amy and Alex were nowhere to be seen!

Alex had arrived earlier and walked out to meet us but we missed each other en route and he ended up at Old Harry Rocks and had to run back to South Haven Point! Still he’s young and needs the exercise! Amy too had missed our arrival by minutes! It was good of them to try and it was lovely to see them – eventually!

Fizzy’s limp at this point had become more pronouced and she had to be carried! Attention seeking!

We bundled into cars and drove back to Worth Matravers to Dave and MPP’s car. We had to mark the occasion, however, and were happy to pop into The Compass and Square for fine pints of Copper Ale, cider and lemonade and several bags of salt and vinegar crisps (note how this walk has made us so much more sophisticated!).

On then back to our respective homes in Sidmouth and I think the Sidmouth Tandoori did very well out of the Smith Hayman Carnival tonight!

Occupations tomorrow:

Loob – light hoovering and eyebrow plucking!

Russell – many household chores, DIY and office work and making a start on Mrs Smith’s long list!

Fizzy – burying her lead in the garden and then sleeping!

Good news (for some) is that there will be further blogging for the next week or so!

Happy birthday to the young and lovely and wonderful Sophie Keast! Pressie to follow!

Lessons learnt today:

1. Life’s too short for rice cakes!

2. A Dorset Knob in the hand is worth two in the bush!

3. People who live in quarries shouldn’t throw stones.

4. If you’ve seen one stack you’ve seen them all!

5. If you’ve got the time you can walk anywhere!!!!!!!

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(Some photos from Day 49 inclued in this slideshow)

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4 Responses to Day 50 Worth Matravers to Swanage to South Haven Point to Sidmouth

  1. Prince of Orange says:

    It’s a long long way to get out of doing a list of chores, and then to come back to them! Better planning next time.
    Congratulations on a job well done, many beers, gins and steaks (woof, woof, gulp) to the three of you.
    So, when does the Everest trip start????????????

    • Tim and Yo Scarrott says:

      Well done Russ, Liz and Fizzy – Bloody fine effort —
      Just home in WA — All the very best to you, for good rest !
      Take care – keep in touch — Tim.

  2. Old father christmas says:

    Congratulations on a sterling effort !!! youve all done very well !!!
    have a rest and a few luxuries before you head for Glasto, (I expect you,ll be walking there wont you ?)

  3. The tight git says:

    Yes, well done guys and Fizzy. Congratulations on a superb achievement but what a lot of effort for a few nights in a caravan! Great to have you home.

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