Day 51 The Missing Link – Lulworth Cove to Worth Matravers 14.08.2011

Here it is, our very last day of the walk and boy what a day! After rather mediocre weather recently today dawned and the sun shone down on the righteous ( and the not so righteous!).

Team for the day consisted of me, Russ, Fizzy, Amy, Gill, Marcelle, Nello, Mick, Ange, Brenda, Leigh and Charlie Dean.

We rendezvoused at 9ish at Lulworth Bay and supped tea for which later we were thankful as there was no other tea available all day! Refreshed and with sticks in hand we commenced the first steep climb of the day from behind the cafe! This stretch of the path is beautiful, largely being formed by lines of relatively hard limestone which have been breached at intervals to form coves and bays as the sea erodes the softer rocks behind.

The result is a dramatic coastline of undulating white cliffs and darker coloured coves, some prominent headlands and a succession of extremely steep slopes!

We progressed well considering we were now a little out of condition but boy were those climbs and descents long and hard! The glorious weather, however, helped us on our way though we all become somewhat overheated which resulted in Gill stripping down to her brassiere on several occasions to retain her cool! This had the added bonus of spurring on Russ and Nello who were walking behind! We dined atop the cliffs at Flower’s Barrow on sumptuous sarnies and exotic flavoured crisps (salt and chardonnay vinegar! I kid you not – you can get them from the Coop!). At this point Gill, Marcelle and Nello left us to explore Tyneham village which was taken over in the Second World War and lies within the firing ranges of Lulworth.

The remainder of the gang soldiered on to Kimmeridge (a very descriptive word we thought for when your bottom is hungry and eats up the leg edge of your knickers!) through Worbarrow, Brandy and Hobarrow Bays. At Kimmeridge we passed a nodding donkey which is part of the largest land based oil field in Europe, we learnt! Disappointingly we didn’t find the seasonal refreshments which were promised in the book!

Unrefreshed but undaunted we carried on passing the lovely Clavell Tower and Kimmeridge Ledges and stunning little beaches and coves. Along this stretch we were treated to the wondrous sight of all the competitors in this year’s Fastnet race sailing passed just after the start from Cowes. Fantastic!

After another 8 miles we reached St Aldhelm’s Head – the end of our walk! However the final climb of the day (the 8th!) at Emmett’s Hill was the sting in the tail! It was all steps and they seemed to go on forever and I think we all did very well as we were absolutely knackered!

Gill was there to meet us and I was overcome with emotion when she and Russell presented me with a South West Coast Path Tea Towel!

I feel I have arrived and indeed I had along with eleven other dear friends! At this point Gill hopped back into Topsy and drove the 2 miles inland to Worth Matravers leaving us all to walk as a warm down exercise!

The Square and Compass welcomed us yet again with ale and Mr Andrew Dean and Leigh’s dad. Post supping, Andrew drove home with Leigh, Brenda and Charlie while rest of us retired to the Scott Inn at Knighton for a delicious meal before returning home to hot baths and beds!

Here ends a beautiful day with beautiful people and a beautiful little episode in my life!

I hope you have all enjoyed sharing it with Russell, Fizzy and myself! xxx

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1 Response to Day 51 The Missing Link – Lulworth Cove to Worth Matravers 14.08.2011

  1. Prince of Orange says:

    I would like to complain about the significant lack of Fizzy in this blog. Having taken you out for a long walk, given you a purpose for those sticks you keep loosing, and generally led all the way, rounding you up, keeping you in line, only two mentions, in what should have been a 30 mention blog! Hurray for Fizzy I say!
    Well done everyone, I’ve been waiting for this edition and great that you got the weather to, you deserved it.

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