Events & Dates

Quiz Night! Sat March 12th, 7.30, Sidmouth Sailing Club

Join us for a fun quiz night on SATURDAY MARCH 12th, 7.30 pm at SIDMOUTH SAILING CLUB. There’s a supper and raffle with donations welcome for the Children’s Hospice South West.

Why not get a team of friends and/or family together?

Download the Quiz Poster here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Liz & Russ

View all events, follow the itinerary and join us on the walk – Witterthewalk’s Google Calendar

Our first fund raiser-  Saturday 5th February, 11am to 4pm

Coffee and cards day hosted by our friend Adrienne Seddon at 53 Winslade Road, Sidmouth 11am to 4pm on Saturday 5th February. Please come if you can! There will be other things such as cakes etc on sale and it will be a wonderfully relaxed day. Adrienne is a wonderful host and has been a friend of Children’s Hospice South West for years!

View all events, follow the itinerary and join us on the walk – Witterthewalk’s Google Calendar

1 Response to Events & Dates

  1. Cousin Mike says:

    ….good on you both (well, all three of you). Do you need somwhere to stay near Plymouth when you get around here? We have showers, washing machine and I do a mean stew and dumplings?

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