Day 15 Padstow to Treyarnon Bay 09.05.2011

A day of firsts! First soaking, first Cornish pasty, first fall, first seal!

Set out bright and early from Padstow for our rendezvous with tonight’s host Martin Wood (friend of CHSW) at Constantine Bay.

We soon encountered our first drenching of the trip at Steepers Point so just had to call in at the cafe at Trevone Bay for a coffee and to hang with the local surfer dudes!

When the rain ceased we set out again.

Scenery lovely yet again and terrain very easy going! We lunched at Harling Bay and ate our first Cornish pasty of the trip which we’d bought in Padstow and was delicious! Now rumour has it via John Keast (not that he’s one for tittle tattle) that the best Cornish pasties are made by a certain Mrs Flo Roberts from Sidmouth. If Flo happens to be doing a spot of baking we would be only too happy to do some sampling and give our learned opinion!

After retrieving Fizzy (who was cowering by the rocks because of the thunder) we set off again only to see our first seal of the trip!

I know the photo leaves as lot to the imagination but I think it was camera shy! You’ll just have to pretend or draw one on at your leisure!

The walk continued on around Mother Ivey’s Bay and Trevose Head where the seas were spectacular! Here with a sudden gust of wind I slipped and had my first fall (yes ”mother’s had a fall”!). Nothing hurt but my dignity! And so on to Constantine Bay to meet Martin and his wife, Audrey, his brother in law, Frank and his wife Anne. We walked around to Treyarnon Bay past the Youth Hostel (with fond memories)to their house.

Tents were duly pitched and we were welcomed with tea and more CHSW friends from the local group who had very kindly come to meet us and listen to our adventures so far.

We in turn heard a little of their touching stories related to the Hospice which reminded us why we have undertaken this trek!

So after a swim in the pool and a wash and scrub up I expect it will be early to bed before heading off to Newquay tomorrow!

Message for Alex: so pleased that after your years in education you have a masterly way of describing your weekend’s sailing conditions!

Lessons learnt today:

1. Pride comes before a fall and loss of dignity after!

2. One seal doesn’t make a photograph.

3. One twenty pound note (from last night’s host) is worth a million stories!!!

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Some photos supplied by Dave Smith – thank you

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1 Response to Day 15 Padstow to Treyarnon Bay 09.05.2011

  1. Prince of Orange says:

    Yup, that’s a picture of a seal. Recognise it anywhere. Shame about the weather, can you get ear plugs for dogs? Can’t beat that lifeboat station, a real classic, hope the weather is treating you well today and enjoy Newquay. No mention of you loading up with fish and chips yet, got to get those carbs in!

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