Day 16 Treyarnon Bay to Crantock 10.05.2011

A very good night’s sleep was had last night at Martin and Audrey’s, after a swim in their pool and a Surfers Hot Chocolate at Treyarnon Youth Hostel.

We made an early start and were soon in Portscothan, a lovely village with a lovely beach. The foot path continued on over lovely springy grass with corn bunting and larks nesting areas! It felt like an early summer day with lovely warm sunshine brightening everything. Big rollers crashed against the shores and made lacey frills in all the beautiful sandy coves.

We reached Bedruthan Steps, which were magnificent, then thought we would go to the National Trust tea shop for a cream tea (it was only 9.30!) only to be informed there was no flour for the scones and as the lady said “there’s nowt you can do wi’out flour love!”, in a broad non Cornish accent! So we hoofed back to the coast path. Here Russell dictates:

“We would like to give Bedruthan Cafe early morning crew a hearty thank you for their Derbyshire/Yorkshire nob head scones and their parting (if tha doest out for nowt do it for this en) farewell ringing in our ears as we strode off!”

On to Mawgan Porth (thumbs up to Mawgan Porth) where we snacked on water and dry biscuits but not my longed for toast! A lovely cliff top walk followed leading to beautiful Watergate Bay where Russell was tempted to don his Speedos and get out his inflatable boogie board to Join in with the surf dudes. After this temptation had passed we dined in style outside Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Restaurant on Shiphams tuna paste rolls followed by an organic Sumatran coffee (nearly as good as Nescafe)!

Onwards over the cliffs to the beckoning call of alcopops and disposable tents – the place we call Newquay! How lovely is this town? Great people, lovely clean town and stunning beaches!

After a trip to Tourist Information we decided to cross the tidal estuary of the Gannel today rather than wait for the  appropriate time tomorrow which would delay us until 4pm.

So we stocked up on victuals and made our way to a great little Christian internet cafe. Here we spent a happy three quarters of an hour looking at the Witter the Walk site and reading all your silly comments! Keep them coming!

Here we must thank Tim for the wonderful work he is doing with all our emails! Cheers Matey!

After this we met a lovely chap who has to cope with what I assume to be many disadvantages!!!

He made my day by telling me I had a guardian angel watching over me and that it was female and a relative!

I do hope so!

We then crossed the pretty Gannel estuary by a foot bridge which is underwater apart from a few hours at low tide. Russell tells me I then sank into quick sand and had to be rescued by him and Fizzy, Russell hanging on to Fizzy’s back legs while she dug furiously creating a channel for me to slither up! I, however have no recollection of this incident!

On towards a campsite in Crantock. Russell again dictates:

“Liz with an entire empty field at her disposal chose to pitch tent next to the only other tent in the field which was a pop up tent containing 14 copulating teenagers!”

I add in my defence that it was the most sheltered spot!  After a delicious meal of cold pasta salad and bread we retired to the Albion Inn in Crantock for beer and whisky to warm us up before retiring to our tents and listening to the said 14 teenagers who will be by now, I hope not copulating but snoring!

Tomorrow will see us in Perranporth.

Lessons learnt today:

1. Approach National Trust Tea rooms with caution.

2. Internet cafes provide much entertainment on a wet afternoon in Newquay!

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4 Responses to Day 16 Treyarnon Bay to Crantock 10.05.2011

  1. Ashley says:

    Keep up the good work Russ and Liz oh and Fizz. I was hoping my folks would come out and see you in Newquay, but they missed you!!! How do we get hold of you then guys? I have just phoned the Albion but you have already left ha ha. Enjoy the teenagers!!!!!

  2. Sid says:

    It is with some anticipation that I turn on the computer and hope your words have been posted from your days activities. The additional free text from Russell though a little uncouth does bring a bit of richness . Hope to see you on Saturday, I am giving myself a talking to so that I can enjoy the journey of life – therefore on Friday what we lack in miles I’ll make up for in pints!

    Sid & Cathy
    PS Cathy has gone over to Jim & Trixie’s this evening, Alex was dining out on crisps at the sailing club

  3. Ange says:

    You’re really warming to this blogging lark Loob. We’re lovin’ it! Thinking of all of you lots, Ange xxx

  4. Prince of Orange says:

    That’s a seriously tall bridge you had to cross, vertigo, no, just to the other side. How are the 28 teenagers next door, as they will have doubled in number by now, hope they share breakfast, sounds like they’ll need it.

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